Visualizing Ten Dimensions
This video is mind-blowing and amazing. It describes how one might visualize ten dimensions. Found on this website via @ryanjunee.
Since my blogging is so infrequent, mostly due to the fact that it’s a little tedious posting short missives and links, I’ve started a Posterous account. You can find my posts over here. I will still continue to blog in this space from time to time; in fact, I’m working on a post right now. But this space will be mostly reserved for more substantive and/or thoughtful posts, whereas my Posterous account will be for the fun, quick, easily consumed bits of info.
Links for 2009-01-22
Woman auctions her virginity for $3.8 million (and counting) (CNN.com) Zappos CEO on how to build a brand online without spending a fortune on ads (BrandWeek) 37 Signals has a creative way to reduce credit card chargebacks – via @superamit